Inclusion & Diversity Statement
Our school believes diversity is a positive aspect of artistic development. Everyone deserves equal access to a full, vibrant creative life. We speak up for inclusion. We seek out and respect different perspectives and challenge conventional approaches. We are committed to treating all folks with respect, dignity and fairness. We aim to create an accessible, non-judgmental, and inclusive environment for everyone.
We recognize that in Canada, there are systems of power that grant privilege and access unequally such that inequity and injustice result, and that must be continuously addressed and changed. We actively question the ways through which differences are constructed and maintained, both within our school and in our community.
Instructors, students and families of all backgrounds are sought out, welcomed and valued at our school, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, economic position, race, religion, age, national origin, immigration status, languages spoken, body type, learning differences, physical ability, or mental ability.
With our daily interactions, we foster respect and dignity among all people. Our school is a safe space. Hate speech and prejudice are not tolerated. Feedback is welcome on how we are addressing inclusion and diversity at our school.
We must all hold ourselves accountable, because acknowledging and challenging our inequities and working in partnership is how we will make change happen.
--Michelle Soulliere, Director